
I am Zachary Szalay, an aspiring photographer from Wisconsin, US. While always having a fascination for capturing my moments in time, I first opened the door for myself on a professional level in 2017. In that time I have experimented with different styles and subjects of which have helped mold my skill you see today.

My experience mainly comes from the live events I’ve worked or attended. The thrill of fast-paced concerts and the challenge of moving subjects on a dimly lit stage is without a doubt my favorite time behind the lens. I also have experience in weddings, portraits, nature, pets, and travel. I am always looking to learn new techniques and experience new situations to get that perfect frame.

All photos with subjects on this website and my social media accounts have given their permission for me to take and display them accordingly. If you find yourself in one of my pictures and refuse/revoke my permission, please contact me at your earliest convenience to sort things out.

My photography is and always will be dedicated to my late father, Nathan Szalay.

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